Solar Power Leasing Program

Key Features

Overview of the Solar Power Leasing Program

Our Solar Power Leasing Program is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way for establishments to switch to renewable energy. Instead of buying solar panels outright, establishments can lease them from us and pay a fixed monthly fee or based on the amount of consumed electricity.

Ease to implement an Energy Efficiency Program.

Cheaper cost of electric utility

Alignment to renewable energy initiatives of the national government

Positive Environmental Impact

Ease of Implementation For Energy Efficiency

Turnkey solutions

We handle all aspects of the installation process, from design and engineering to permitting and installation.

Flexible Leasing Terms

Customers may be able to adjust the size and capacity of their solar panel system as their energy needs change.

Energy monitoring

This allows customers to track their energy usage and identify areas where they can improve energy efficiency.

Maintenance and support

This can include regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs to ensure that the system is running at peak efficiency

Cheaper cost of electric utility

The Solar Power Leasing Program offers a competitive and affordable rate for the energy generated by the Solar Roof System, resulting in significant cost savings for the establishment

Green Energy Initiative

By participating in the Solar Power Leasing Program, establishments can support and contribute to the national government’s renewable energy goals and initiatives.

Environmental Impact

Reduction in carbon emissions

A 100 kWp solar roof system can prevent the emission of approximately 200 tons of carbon dioxide each year, which is equivalent to taking 43 cars off the road annually.

Conservation of natural resources

The use of Solar Roof System promotes the use of clean and sustainable energy from the sun, reducing the reliance on finite and non-renewable sources of energy such as coal and oil.

Reduction in waste generation

Solar panels have a lifespan of around 25-30 years, and at the end of their useful life, they can be recycled to recover valuable materials, reducing waste generation.

Positive impact on the environment

Through the Solar Power Leasing Program, establishments can demonstrate their commitment to the environment and sustainability, and contribute to a healthier and greener future for everyone.

Our Solar Power Systems

Choose from different power systems

Roof System

Ground Mounted System

Solar Battery Energy Storage System

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